Q  Case Studies

Family Protection

Hybrid Family

Kevin is a company Managing Director in Hong Kong and has regional responsibility for 6 offices in Asia. He’s almost 60 and has been with his Honky partner Chase for almost 20 years. He has two grown children from his first marriage to a woman, but with his partner, adopted two young children more than ten years ago.

Chase gave up his career as a marketing professional when the kids came on board and has pretty much not worked for over ten years. Kick-starting his career at this point would not be easy as he’s almost 50 himself.

One of Kevin’s close friends back in the US recently suffered a heart attack and passed away. This was a wake-up call for both Kevin and Chase.

Kevin is currently bringing in excess of 1 million USD, and his company has covered him with key man insurance so that they can replace him if he dies unexpectedly. After the death of his close friend in the US, Kevin realized that he needed to look into his personal and family situation more seriously. Kevin did the right thing, and forced Chase to accompany him to meet with a financial advisor to discuss their situation. Chase felt that discussing such issues would be tempting fate, but Kevin put up the bigger fuss.

In the course of the review, the two men came to realize that the USD500,000 life cover they had, and the complete absence of critical illness protection were serious risks that had to be reckoned with.
When the Discretion Wealth Management adviser approached Kevin privately, he made it clear that he wanted to provide for his partner and their two children to live at the same level of lifestyle as if Kevin was still around.

None of us are immortal, and it was an inspired decision Kevin made when he chose a 5 million dollar life insurance policy with 2 million dollars of critical illness cover. This didn’t come cheaply, but when loved ones are being considered, some things are more important than money itself.

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